Nandos Menu Art Competition
Nando’s commission original works from South African artists to make up an ever growing art collection. With amazing work from everyone from bushmen on community farms to renowned Johannesburg painters, the collection is distinctly diverse.They have also helped an independent studio set up a subsidised diploma course for aspiring artists. Successful students work is considered for the Nando’s collection. This means that artists achieve recognition through the designs on the menu and walls of the restaurants.

Artwork By Diana Page.
L. Morrocco
L Zantizi
Martin Stiller.
and Christoper Stack.Nando's Restaurant Seem to take an interest in changing there menu design and artwork every year, thus keeping their image nice and fresh. The competition will be fierce and the design must be colourful. People with an interest in Nando's food, and African Art may have an advantage. The winning design will feature on every menu cover nation wide and the the winning artist will have his/her name on the menu next to the artwork, which is potentially great publicity. You'll also be able to go and see your winning entry whenever you'd like because we'll throw in a years' worth of free Nando's chicken. Nando's love African art and have more than 4000 pieces of art in their restaurants throughout the UK. The last three artist to have their work feature on the menu were all of African decent. Khaya Sinele, Xolile Mtakatya and Zemba Luzamba are the name of the three artists.
Khaya Sinele
Khaya is inspired by other artists outside the mainstream, he believes those not classically trained artists have perhaps got better ways of expressing themselves, similar to the free and untainted paintings made by children but with the insight and skill of an adult. Khaya prefers to use oil paint as the drying colour is often surprising and gives intersting results. His influences are broad and his studies include the study of art at 'The Amac Institute' going on to do work for South African galleries, Nando's, and the 'Spier Art Collection.

Khaya believes that that the 'Nando's art initiative acts as a bridge between the artist and the broad art market. It has also enabled hundreds of more obscure artists have their work exhibited throughout the U.K.

The Nando's initiative has assisted Khaya get the exposure he needed to build his confidence in acquiring commissions and learn more about his own work.

Xolile Mtakatya

Mtakatya is inspired by the energy he gets from watching his subjects in their environments and likes to translate their emotions to his prefered medium. Rather than drawing from photographs, Xolile likes to draw from life and adopts an impressionistic style.

Mtakatya also prefers to use oils, as It is the medium he used the most during his studies at his Foundation School of Arts. His work is heavily influenced by the South African struggle of many marginalized and discriminated groups. Many were groups of artists that were willing to challenge the Apartheid system. Some of the artists that have influenced Mtakatya include other Africans that specialise in resistance art, namely Dumile Feni, William Kentridge and Mamdindi.
Below (Mtakatya's design for the Nando's menu).

Mtakatya's work can be seen on the 'Spier wine estate, Cape Gallery, Old Mutual and throughout Germany and Holland. Myakatyas work used to be less abstract but after his work with Nando's his style became more developed and he became more prolific as a result.
Zemba Luzamba
Zemba Luzamba is the third artist Africa who has had his work on the Nando's manu in recent years, his main influences are Lesape (A culture found deep in the Congo DRC where clothing signifies identity. Regardless of wealth as long as you can have an orinal or unique style of dress then you will be respected by society.

By dressing in a smart or elegant manner one person can have the confidence and ability to empower oneself and achieve great things. The concept of Lesape is a way I can show the positive side of Africa through my art.

I want the rest of the world to see that Africa is not fully marked by its famine and desolation, but to show that the people still have self-respect and elegance in the way they dress. I want to show that there is humility and awareness in Africa. Like the other aformentioned African artists, oil seams to be the preferred media. Zemba has done work for the Nando's Art Collection, Spier Wine Estate and Culture in Corporation in the USA.
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